History and future of intermodal mobilities
10th International T2M Conference, Madrid, November 15-18, 2012
Final Programme:
Program A3 T2M with map
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Program A3 T2M with map docx 1 MB
Tenth annual Conference of the International Association
for History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility – T2M
Madrid, November 15 -18, 2012
Madrid RailwayMuseum – Paseo de las Delicias, 61 – 28045, Madrid
Thursday, 15
9,00-13,00 |
Meeting of the Executive Committee of T2M (Saloon Coach). |
13,30-16,00 |
Meeting of the Editorial Board of JTH (Saloon Coach). |
16,00-17,00 |
Meeting of the Editorial Board of T2M Annual Yearbook (Saloon Coach). |
13,00-17,00 |
Registration (Conference Center – Mansard Room). |
18,00 |
Departure of pedestrian route guided from the Madrid Railway Museum until Spanish Railways Foundation headquarters at Fernán Núñez Palace (C/ Santa Isabel, 44 – 28102, Madrid). |
18,30 |
Welcome to Public Lecture (Fernán Núñez Palace – Spanish Railways Foundation). |
19,00 |
Public Lecture (Fernán Núñez Palace – Spanish Railways Foundation).
“Spanish Railways’ Original Sins: Planning and Financing Problems in the Nineteenth Century”
Gabriel Tortella Casares, Professor emeritus, University of Alcalá de Henares. |
20,00 |
Official Reception at Fernán Núñez Palace – Spanish Railways Foundation.
Perfomance by Chorus of Spanish Railways Foundation. |
Friday, 16
9,00-9,15 |
General Information (Conference Hall). |
9,15-10,00 |
Plenary Lecture (Conference Hall).
“Capital finance, finance capital and historical changes in the structure of transportation systems, 1840- present” Jim Cohen, Professor emeritus, The City University of New York. |
10,15-11,45 Conference Hall
History of Intermodal Transportation
Chair: Javier Vidal Olivares (University of Alicante)
Alberte Martínez / Jesús Mirás (University of A Coruña)
Late but not last. Changes in urban mobility in Spain, 1870-2010.
Emilie Cottet (University of Savoy)
The intermodality in Savoy in the XIXth century: a choice or a necessity?
Hugo Silveira Pereira (University of Porto)
Intermodality in Portugal: railways, trams and roads (1845-1899).
Patrick Sherry / Allison M. Bondanza / Briana Hedman (University of Denver)
The United States History of Intermodal Transportation.
Stefano Maggi (University of Siena)
Intermodality in Italy during the fascist period. A case study.
10,15-11,45 Talgo Classroom
Transcontinental Air Transport: The History and Future of Intermodality in Air Travel in the United States
Chair: Dominick A. Pisano (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution)
Dorothy Cochrane (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution)
TAT Air and Rail Coast to Coast: Passenger Reports by Amelia Earhart, Anne Lindbergh and ”Real” people.
Dominick A. Pisano (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution)
Air-Rail Transportation Intermodality in the U.S.:
A Failure of Vision.
F. Robert van der Linden (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution)
Transcontinental Air Transport: Accidental Intermodality, 1929-1930.
10,15-11,45 Library Room
Madrid, Trains and the Culture(s) of Transportation
Chair: Benjamin Fraser (The College of Charleston)
Benjamin Fraser (The College of Charleston)
The Speed of Signs: Train Graffiti in the Spanish Context.
Susan Larson (University of Kentucky)
The Spanish Train as Poetic Muse.
Araceli Masterson-Algar (Augustana College)
Digging Madrid: A Descent Into Madrid’s Subway Museum ‘Andén 0’.
10,15-11,45 Classroom of National Museum of Scienceand Technology
Transport and Tourism
Chair: Ramón Molina de Dios (University of Balearic Islands)
Fedorova Marina Yurievna (Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Tourism planning in Russia: from the Soviet times to the present.
Bård Toldnes Tourism and camping in Norway before WW2.
Rodrigo Booth (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Walking the Frontier. Long-distance tourist trips in Araucania and the lakes of southern Chile (1877-1900).
11,45-12,15 Coffee break (Conference Center – Mansard Room)
12,15-13,30 Conference Hall
Freight Intermodal Transport
Chair: Andrea Giuntini (University of Modena)
Tood F. Carney (Southern Oregon University)
Before the Box Changed the World: Anthropogenic “Friction” in North America Transportation from the American Civil War to the Second World War.
Jørgen Burchardt (National Museum of Science and Technology – Danemark)
The pallet – the small revolution in freight transportation.
Keith Harcourt (Historical Model Railway Society)
Unitisation, containerisation and the development of intermodal transport in the United Kingdom.
Margaret Ritchie (Strathclyde University, Glasgow)
Barrels, Boxes and Workers: co-ordinated transport for fresh and cured fish and the mobile workforces of the British fishing industry.
Peter Cox (University of Chester)
Between store and home: distributing consumer goods.
12,15-13,30 Talgo Classroom
Lost in the suburbs: airports and intermodality from airfield to Aerotropolis
Chair: Gordon Pirie (Journal of Transport History)
Teresa Crompton (American University of Sharjah)
The struggle for Sharjah Airport: How the British achieved their aviation aims on the Trucial Coast in the interwar years.
Christopher Kopper (University of Bielefeld)
Airports: The problems of planning and building large infrastructure projects.
Peter Lyth (Nottingham University Business School)
Lost in space: British airports and the lack of good connections, 1920 to 2010.
Víctor Márquez (Cornell University)
“The Construction of Limbo”: How history shaoed the post 9/11 “boundaries of uncertainty” in contemporary airports.
Robert Morley (University of Saskatchewan)
Intermodality on the Screen: Examining Cinematic Depictions of London Airports in the 1930s.
12,15-13,30 Library Room
Waiting in the Port: Ports as Cultural Encounters
Chair: Hans-Liudger Dienel (Berlin University of Technology)
Massimo Moraglio (TechnologyUniversity of Berlin)
The Port of Hamburg.
Maria Fernanda Rollo (New University of Lisbon) The Port of Lisbon.
12,15-13,30 Classroom of National Museum of Scienceand Technology
Transport and Heritage
Chair: Francisco Polo Muriel (Madrid Railway Museum)
Eduardo Romero de Oliveira (Sao Paulo State University)
Crossing places and heritage transport.
Antonio Burgos / María Paz Sáez / Juan Carlos Olmo (University of Granada)
Transport infrastructures from XIX century in the Southeast of Spain. A view from engineering and heritage.
Robert Lee (University of Western Sydney)
An icon of intermodal mobility: the Sydney Harbourbridge.
13,30-13,45 |
Conference Photo Shooting (Central Exhibition Hall – Madrid Railway Museum). |
13,45-15,00* |
Lunch (Labor Dining). |
15,00*-18,30 |
Excursions programmed (Meeting Place: Main Entrance Madrid Railway Museum). *Attention, only for the excursion to Barajas airport (T4), the meeting hour will be at 14,20h in the Main Entrance Madrid Railway Museum. |
19,30-21,00 |
Historic Train route for Madrid(departure from DeliciasCercanías Station and arrival to Sol Cercanías Station -first stop optional- and AtochaCercanías Station -last stop-). |
Saturday, 17
9,00-11,00 Conference Hall
Regional and Metropolitan Transport System
Chair: Massimo Moraglio (Berlin University of Technology)
Martin Schiefelbusch (Nexus Institut für Kooperations management und interdisziplinäre Forschung, Berlin)
Getting your competitor on board – Intermodality issues in the Baltic Sea area.
Daniel Olisa (Bayero University, Kano)
The Imperative of Inter-Modal Transport System in Nigeria: The Case Study of Asaba and Onitsha Transportation System.
Probo Hardini (University of Leeds)
Indonesian cities: patterns of relationships between land use, transport development and mobility behavior.
Javier Aldecoa (Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid)
The Madrid` Plan of Interchanges: 100 years of history.
Claudine Mulley / Corinne Moutou (The University of Sidney)
The transport success in providing for the Olympics in Sydney, Australia: why was this not captured in future policy for public transport.
9,00-11,00 Talgo Classroom
Motorization and Road Transport (I)
Chair: José Luis García Ruiz (Complutense University)
Evangelia Chatzikonstantinou / Areti Sakellaridou (National Technical University of Athens/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Discussing intermodality and promoting road construction in Greece during the Interbellum.
Sofia Alexia Papazafeiropoulou (National Technical University of Athens)
The antagonism of railways and automobiles in Greece from 1930s to 1960s as a case of a controversial intermodality.
Kyle Shelton (University of Texas, Austin)
Will the Rubber meet the Rail?: The Struggle for Intermodality in Houston, an Automobile City.
Christiane Katz (RWTH Aachen University)
The Motorization of the German City Administrations before World War.
9,00-11,00 Library Room
Railway as a factor of intermodality and economic development (I)
Chair: Alberte Martínez López (University of A Coruña)
Daniel Seidenglanz / Flip Chvátal / KateřinaNedvědová (Masaryk University, Brno)
The Czech Republic and Germany – railways in metropolitan regions.
Ariel Rodolfo Fuentes (University of Buenos Aires)
Green Western Corridor: reconfiguration of Buenos Aires railway system.
Domingo Martín / Antonio García (Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid)
Intermodality and its historic perspective in the suburban railway in the region of Madrid.
Login Law Lok-yin (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Connecting Asia and China: the Development of Tsimshatsui Transport Complex (1911-1941).
Eric A. Sibul (Baltic Defence College, Tartu)
Nothing like it in the world! The Florida East Coast Railway’s Key West Extension.
11,00-11,30 |
Coffee break (Conference Center – Mansard Room) |
11,30-13,30 Conference Hall
Cycling History and Cycling Policies (I)
Chairs: Anne-Katrin Ebert(Technical Museum of Vienna)
Manuel Stoffers(University of Maastricht)
Hans Buiter(ANWB, The Hague)
Esther Anaya / Santiago Gorostiza (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Sources for the history of cycling mobility in Spain in the 20th Century.
Hans Buiter (Association Historian at the Dutch Tourist Association)
The bicycle renaissance of the 1970s in the Netherland
Peter Cox (University of Chester)
Theory and Method in Cycling Research.
Anne-Katrin Ebert (Technical Museum of Vienna)
In Times of Crisis: The Bicycle’s Fate in Germany and the Netherlands after WWII reconsidered.
Martin Emanuel (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
The “Bicycle Renaissance” Cut Short: Bicycle Planning and Appraisal of the Bicycle in Stockholm, 1970–1985.
11,30-13,30 Talgo Classroom
Motorization and Road Transport (II)
Chair: Gunter Heinickel (Technical University of Berlin)
Florian Wöltering (RWTH Aachen University)
The Growing Importance of the Intermodal Passenger Transport for the Car Rental Business in Germany since World War 2.
José Barros (New University of Lisbon)
The automobiles in the road public transports in Portugal in the beginning of the 20th century. Connections and disconnections.
O. O. Olubomehin / B. Yussuf / O. B. Oukonowo (OlabisiOnabanjo University)
Luxurious Bus Enterprises and their Impact on the Nigerian Economy.
Panagiotis Zestanakis (University of Creta)
“Penalizing speed”: Aspects of public anxiety about motorcyclism in 1980s Athens.
11,30-13,30 Library Room
Railway as a factor of intermodality and economic development (II)
Chair: Jesús Mirás Araujo (University of A Coruña)
Miguel Ángel Delgado/ Antonio García (Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid)
Principe Pío Station: a history of intermodality in Madrid.
Martin Schiefelbusch /Sonja Ziener (Nexus InstitutfürKooperationsmanagement und interdisziplinäreForschung, Berlin)
“Seamless travel” – International, intermodal and interactive rail fares across centuries.
Giovanni Mantovani (Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering)
Massimo Moraglio (TechnischeUnivestität, Berlin)
Slithering around the city. Bridging long distance transport hubs with urban poles: Florence’s light rail achievements and side effects.
Ibrahim Khaleel Abdussalam (Bayero University, Kano)
The Fortune of Two Cities: Effects of Intermodality on Urban Sprawl and
Social Integration in Kano and Jos of Nigeria.
13,30-14,30 |
Lunch (Labor Dining) |
14,30-16,30 Conference Hall
Cycling History and Cycling Policies (II)
Chairs: Anne-Katrin Ebert (Technical Museum of Vienna)
Manuel Stoffers (University of Maastricht)
Hans Buiter (ANWB, The Hague)
Bruce Epperson (Consulting Attorney and Planner, Hollywood)
The “Bounded duty” of good cycling: American effective cycling as a quasi-religion.
Zack Furness (Columbia College Chicago)
Becoming Auto-Mobile: What Cycling Advocates Can Learn from the 1890s.
Frédéric Héran (University of Lille)
Rise, decline and revival of French urban cycling.
Bernd Kreuzer (University of Linz)
The Driven-Out Bicycle: Missed Chances, Path Dependencies and Transport Policy Scopes in Two Austrian Cities.
Ruth Oldenziel / Adri Albert de la Bruhèze (TechnicalUniversity Eindhoven/University of Twente)
Politics and Culture of Bicycle Use.
Harry Oosterhuis / Manuel Stoffers (Maastricht University)
Bicycle Research between Bicycle Policies and Bicycle Culture.
Francis Papon (French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks)
Historical factors for better cycling.
14,30-16,30 Talgo Classroom
The structure of intermodality
Chair: Víctor Márquez (Cornell University)
Greet De Block / Bruno De Meulder (University of Leuven)
Intermodality as driving force for territorial transformation: The design mode of interwarengineering in Belgium.
Maxime Huré / Arnaud Passalacqua (Sciences Po Lyon/Université Paris Diderot)
Intermodality and companies: intermodality conceived as a strategic industrial option.
Claudine Mulley / Corinne Moutou (The University of Sidney)
Exhibits of business power: Case-studies of business reactions to projects designed to enhance intermodal connectivity of their trading locations.
Richard Zelezny (Université Paris-Est / Czech Technical University in Prague)
Tramway and pedestrian at the heart of the housing neighbourhoods as a challenge of today: can we find some inspiration in the past ? Confrontation between France and the Central Europe context.
14,30-16,30 Library Room
Cultural Dimensions of Transportation
Chair: Igor P. Kisilev (State Transport University,St. Petersburg)
Charissa N. Terranova (University of Texas, Dallas)
The Intermodality of Street Team, A New Media Art Project.
Andrey Vozyanov (European University at Saint-Petersburg)
The design of waiting: pre-passengering under construction.
Tomás Errázuriz / Guillermo Giucci (Universidad Católica del Maulé / Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro)
The Globalization of Mobility Technologies: a perspective from Latin America.
16,30-17,00 |
Coffee break (Conference Center – Mansard Room). |
17,00-18,30 |
Plenary Session on the history and future of T2M (Conference Hall).
Anna Lipphardt (Professor for Ethnology, Universty of Freiburg).
Gijs Mom (Professor for Transport History, Technical University Eindhoven).
Corinne Mulley (Professor; Chair in Public Transport, The University of Sidney).
Mimi Sheller (Professor for Sociology and Mobility Studies, Drexel University).
Hans-Liudger Dienel (Moderator, T2M President). |
18,30-20,00 |
Annual Members Meeting (Conference Hall). |
21,00-23,00 |
Banquet (Arganzuela Hall). |
Sunday, 18
9,00-10,30 Conference Hall
Effects of Intermodality
Chair: Charissa N. Terranova(University of Texas)
Hamza Shabbir (Lahore University of Management Sciences)
Intermodality and Environment.
Michael K. Bess (University of Texas)
Conflict and Consensus on the Move: Modernity, Environment, and Agency in Nuevo León and Veracruz’s Road-Building Projects, 1940-52.
Diane Drummond (Leeds Trinity University College)
Intermodal Mobilities in Empire: Male anxieties and Women’s experiences of intermodal transfers in the British Empire, 1840-1950.
Diane Drummond (Leeds Trinity University College)
Modern Intermodal Mobilities: Urban Intermodal Commuting and the Disabled Student – West Yorkshire, a Case Study.
9,00-10,30Talgo Classroom
Technology and Mobility
Chair: Steven D. Spalding (Christopher Newport University)
Roine Viklund (Luleå University of Technology)
Change Within a System: The electrification of Riksgränsbanan Railway 1910-1917.
Laurel L. Cornell (Indiana University)
Mobility, Safety, and the Hazard of Standardization: How Standards for Yellow Traffic Lights Increased Traffic Accidents in the US, 1970-2010.
10,30-11,00 |
Coffee break (Conference Center – Mansard Room). |
11,00-12,30 |
Plenary Session on the future of intermodal electromobility (Conference Hall).
Why Not Now? The Electric Vehicle as a Vehicle of Tomorrow.
João Jesus Caetano (INTELI / MOBI.E, Lisbon).
Andreas Knie (Free University, Berlin).
Andreas Manthey (BRM , Germany).
Gijs Mom, (Technical University Eindhoven – Chair). |
12,30-13,30 |
Clossing Session (Conference Hall) Hans-LiudgerDienel, T2M President. |
13,30-14,30 |
Fare Well Lunch (Labor Dining). |