Translating Travel Writing in Europe, 1750-1850
13th-14th November 2009, Universite Paris 13
Convenors: Dr. Susan Pickford (Centre de Recherche Interculturelles sur les
Domaines Anglophones et Francophones, Universite Paris 13), Dr. Alison E.
Martin (Martin-Luther-Universite Halle-Wittenberg)
Travel and translation are two sides of the same coin. Travel writing
translates its readers to new climes; translation makes a text travel in
time and space. We invite contributions which focus on the relationship
between translation and non-fictional travel writing – both towards the
“scientific” and “literary” ends of the spectrum – for the period 1750-1850,
which saw great changes both in the practice of travel and travel writing
and in the quantity and type of books translated. We welcome papers taking
theoretical and historical approaches, as well as case studies. We
particularly welcome contributions with a focus on book history.
Suitable topics might include, but are not restricted to:
* Fidelity vs. creativity and self-expression in the translation of travel accounts* Gender and the ‘visibility’ of women as translators of travel writing* Professional vs. amateur translators * “Scientific” vs. “literary” models of translation in travel accounts * Translation and anthologisation of travel accounts * Translators as travellers * Translating the Grand Tour * Domestication/foreignisation of travel accounts through translation
It is anticipated that the main focus will be on English, French, Dutch and
German but contributions on other European language areas will also be
Guest speakers include Norbert Bachleitner (Universite Wien) and Daniel
Roche (College de France).
Please send a 300-word abstract in English or French for a 20-minute paper
as an email attachment in WORD or RTF by Monday 2nd March, 2009, to: Dr.
Alison E. Martin (
alison.martin@anglistik.uni-halle.deThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and Dr. Susan
Pickford (
susan.pickford@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ).