T²M Yearbook 2016: Kyle Shelton (ed.) Mobility in History Vol. 7
As an organization, T²M has expanded in recent years well beyond historians to include a cross section of academia. Sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, and professionals from other disciplines can be counted among our membership now. Over the past six issues, dozens of diligent and talented scholars have attempted to parse out just what it is that makes mobility scholarship a vibrant and growing field. The pieces included in this year’s edition continue that effort. Mobility in History, Yearbook Seven, offers seventeen essays from an esteemed collection of scholars. Further information
2016, 170 p. ISSN 2296-0503 (Print); ISSN: 2050-9197 (Online)
T²M Yearbook 2015: Kyle Shelton, Gijs Mom, Dhan Zunino Singh, Christiane Katz (eds.): Mobility in History Vol. 6.
With this volume a new editorial team has taken over with plans to carry on the strong tradition created by the preceding teams led by Gijs Mom and Peter Norton. Yearbook Six once again offers a collection of articles reviewing the cutting edge of mobility scholarship across several disciplines and highlighting exciting new directions toward which this vibrant field can move. In addition, this yearbook features two articles that represent the first iterations of what are intended to become annual features in future volumes. Further information
2014, 172 p. ISSN 2296-0503 (Print); ISSN: 2050-9197 (Online)
T²M Yearbook 2014: Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Tomás Errázuriz and Kyle Shelton (eds.): Mobility in History Vol. 5.
With the fifth publication of this yearbook, the editors begin by asking that the fluidity of the field reflect the fluidity of the topic. They suggest that it might be time to consider a merger between the subfields within this discipline so as to continue to push mobility studies in a fruitful direction. With that in mind, they have collected a series of articles that touch on a variety of subjects. Further information
2013, 198 p. ISSN 2296-0503 (Print); ISSN: 2050-9197 (Online)
T²M Yearbook 2013: Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Liz Millward, Tomás Errázuriz and Mathieu Flonneau (eds.): Mobility in History Vol. 4.
With volume 4, the T²M Yearbook has graduated from its initial three-year experimental phase. We can now speak of our Yearbook’s history and its traditions—among them relentless pursuit of historiographical reviews about mobility scholarship in countries that too often escape attention elsewhere, unusual thematic reviews that offer new perspectives on historical mobility studies, and more personal, retrospective assessments of the contributions of leading scholars and classic works. The 17 peer reviewed articles in this year’s Yearbook are faithful to these traditions. Further information
2012, ISSN 2296-0503 (Print); ISSN: 2050-9197 (Online)
T²M Yearbook 2012: Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Liz Millward and Mathieu Flonneau (eds.): Mobility in History. Reviews and Reflections.
The present volume includes articles reviewing scholarship from four countries not represented in previous Yearbooks (Colombia, France, Portugal and Sweden) and a new thematic article (on car sounds). Following a precedent established last year, this volume offers readers a close reflection on a classic study in mobility history, Wolfgang Schivelbusch’s The Railway Journey (1977). Readers can also get an inside look at the state of the art of mobility history from the unique perspective of one of its central figures, Gijs Mom.
2011, 168 pages, ISBN: 978-2-940235-89-6 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
T²M Yearbook 2011: Gijs Mom / (eds): Mobility in History. Themes in Transport.
In its second Yearbook, the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T²M) has brought together 28 scholars from eleven countries on four continents to review recent scholarship on mobility in history.
Besides reviews of research in diverse countries, this edition brings attention to underserved subdisciplines and topics, such as gender and mobility, maritime history, aeromobility, carpooling, and bicycles. This year, the Yearbook also features a retrospective review of John McKay’s classic Tramways and Trolleys (1976) in a section that includes an interview with the author and a collection of historical review essays on trams in five countries. True to T²M’s interdisciplinary spirit, the review essays go beyond transportation modes and artifacts to include the broader social systems in which mobility figures.
2010, 292 pages, ISBN: 978-2-940235-70-4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
T²M Yearbook 2010: Gijs Mom / Gordon Pirie / Laurent Tissot (eds): Mobility in History. The State of the Art in the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility.
For decades scholars in diverse fields have examined problems in the history of mobility. Their diversity was their strength but also their limitation, as disciplinary boundaries impeded the exchange of ideas that lets scholarship flourish. Since 2003 the International Association for the History of Traffic, Transport and Mobility (T²M) has served as a free-trade zone, fostering a new interdisciplinary vitality in a now-flourishing field. Now, with the publication of its first yearbook, T²M has surveyed these gains in the form of a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of research in the field. Here, twenty-seven scholars in the history of mobility, from sixteen countries and five continents, present synopses of recent research. Besides reviews of research in thirteen countries, contributions also include thematic reviews relating mobility to the environment, automobile fetishism, race, gender, and other transnational themes. All in all, more than sixty scholars within and beyond T²M cooperated in this project, making it a truly collective work.
2009, 264 pages, ISBN: 978-2-940235-52-0