This issue is the last of volume 2. With this, we have reached a milestone in our fledgling history and a threshold to the last volume in our series of three. According to our original plans our priorities were to establish top-quality submissions, a splendid pool of knowledgeable and rigorous but generous transdisciplinary referees, efficient refereeing procedures, satisfactory rejection rates, timely manuscript production, and a subscriber base that crosses disciplinary boundaries. Although quantitatively not yet up to standard, our readership is variegated and adventurous enough to appreciate our desire to “rethink mobility” and dedicate printed space to “mobility writ large.”
Peter Cox: A Denial of Our Boasted Civilisation”: Cyclists’ Views on Conflicts over Road Use in Britain, 1926–1935
Donald Weber: The Morality of Motoring: The Emergence of the Automobile in Belgium, 1895–1940
Craig Horner: “Modest Motoring” and the Emergence of Automobility in the United Kingdom
Special Section on Cultural Appropriation
Christian Huck: Introduction: Mobility, Transfers, and Cultural Appropriation
Frederike Felcht: “Constantly in motion”: Appropriation and Hans Christian Andersen’s Texts
Margrit Schulte Beerbühl: Migration, Transfer and Appropriation: German Pork Butchers in Britain
Christian Huck: Travelling Detectives: Twofold Mobility in the Appropriation of Crime Fiction in Interwar Germany
Carsten Schinko: The Mobilization of Appropriation: Comment on the Special Section on Cultural Appropriation
Mobility and Art
Kim Sawchuk and Samuel Thulin: “River Flow, Sewer Flow, Street Flow”. Lost Rivers: La Petite St. Pierre; Nuit Blanche, Montréal, Québec, Feb 25, 2012
Ideas in Motion
Nanny Kim and Xu Tao: Modern Mobilities in Mainland China: A Review of the Academic Field
Museum Review
Katariina Mauranen: Under the Waves: A Review of “Spoils of Riches—Stories of the Vrouw Maria and the St Michel” at the Maritime Centre Vellamo
Movie Review
Deborah Breen: Mobility, Interrupted: Narrative, Perception, and Identity in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Book Reviews
Marian Aguiar, Tracking Modernity: India’s Railway and the Culture of Mobility (Vijaya Singh)
Caroline S. Hau and Kasian Tejapira, eds., Traveling Nation-makers: Transnational Flows and Movements in the Making of Modern Southeast Asia (Nanny Kim)
Alan Powell, Northern Voyagers: Australia’s Monsoon Coast in Maritime History (Joseph Christensen)
Joachim Radkau, Die Ära der Ökologie. Eine Weltgeschichte (Marcus Popplow)
Phillip Vannini, Ferry Tales: Mobility, Place and Time on Canada’s West Coast (Maximiliano E. Korstanje)
David Stradling, The Nature of New York: Environmental History of the Empire State (Tom McCarthy)
Andrea Giuntini, Le meraviglie del mondo. Il sistema internazionale delle comunicazioni nell’Ottocento
(Giussepina Pellegrino)
Annette Schlimm, Ordnungen des Verkehrs. Arbeit an der Moderne—deutsche und britische Verkehrsexpertise im 20. Jahrhundert (Gustav Sjöblom)
Fernando Esposito, Mythische Moderne. Aviatik, Faschismus und die Sehnsucht nach Ordnung in Deutschland und Italien (Kurt Möser)
Kurt Möser, Grauzonen der Technikgeschichte. Technikdiskurse (Martina Heßler)
Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (George Revill)
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