Neill Atkinson:
Call of the beaches’: rail travel and the democratisation of holidays in interwar New Zealand
Bobbie Oliver:
The Australian Standard Garratt: the engine that brought down a government
Anna-Maria Rautio and Lars Östlund:
‘Starvation strings’ and the public good: development of a Swedish bike trail network in the early twentieth century
European bicycling
Mini-special edited by
Adri A. Albert de la Bruheze and Martin Emanuel
Martin Emanuel:
Constructing the cyclist: ideology and representations in urban traffic planning in Stockholm, 1930–70
Manuel Stoffers:
Cycling as heritage: representing the history of cycling in the Netherlands
Anne-Katrin Ebert:
When cycling gets political: building cycling paths in Germany and the Netherlands, 1910–40
Book reviews
Mathieu Flonneau (ed.), Automobile. Les cartes du désamour [Maps of Disenchantment] (Fabrice Hamelin)
Ruud Filarski (with Gijs Mom), Shaping Transport Policy: Two Centuries of Struggle between the Public and Private Sector—A Comparative Perspective (Bruce E. Seely)
Alexandra Ganser, Roads of Her Own: Gendered Space and Mobility in American Women’s Road Narratives 1970–2000 (Sasha Disko)
Heli Mäki and Jenni Korjus (eds), Railways as an Innovative Regional Factor (Albert Churella)
Fabio Caffarena, Dal fango al vento. Gli aviatori italiani dalle origini alla grande guerra [From the Mud to the Wind. Italian Pilots from the Origins to the Great War] (Massimo Moraglio)
Rüdiger Haude, Grenzfl üge. Politische Symbolik der Luftfahrt vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg: Das Beispiel Aachen [Border Flights. Political Symbolism of Aviation before World War I: the Example of Aachen] (Peter Lyth)
Linda M. Koldau, Mythos U-Boot [Myth Submarine] (Hans-Joachim Braun)
Hans-Ulrich Schiedt, Laurent Tissot, Christoph Maria Merki and Rainer C. Schwinges (eds), Verkehrsgeschichte—Histoire des transports [History of Transport] (Anne-Katrin Ebert)
Patrick Marchand, Le Maître de poste et le Messager. Une histoire du transport public en France au temps du cheval 1700–1800 [The Postmaster and the Messenger. A History of Public Transport in France in the Era of the Horse, 1700–1800] (Paul van Heesvelde)
Domingo Cuéllar Villar and Andrés Sánchez Picón (eds), 150 años de ferrocarril en Andalucía: un balance [150 years of Railways in Andalusia: an Overall Perspective] (Hugo Pereira)
Mathieu Flonneau, Pascal Geneste, Philippe Nivet and Emilie Willaert, Le grand dessein de Georges Pompidou [Georges Pompidou’s Grand Design] (Catherine Bertho Lavenir)
Roland Paxton, Dynasty of Engineers. The Stevensons and the Bell Rock; Alison Morrison-Low, Northern Lights. The Age of Scottish Lighthouses (Vincent Guigueno)
Daniel Roche, La culture équestre de l’Occident XVIe–XIXe siècle. L’ombre du cheval. Tome premier, Le cheval moteur [Western Horse Culture from the 16th–19th Centuries. The Shade of the Horse. Vol. 1: The Horse as Motor] (Paul van Heesvelde)
Bernd Polster and Phil Patton, Autodesign International. Marken, Modelle und ihre Macher [Brands, Models and their Makers] (Catherine Bertho Lavenir)