
2010 Conference Program

8th Annual Conference of the International Association for for History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility 2-5 December 2010 National Rail Museum, New Delhi, India Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 9.00 – […]

2011 Berlin – Transport and Mobility on Display

9th International Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport Traffic and Mobility (T2M) Berlin, Germany – October 6-9, 2011 Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin (German Technology Museum) Call for […]

In the Spotlight … Bruce Pietrykowski

EC member Bruce Pietrykowski goes under the microscope in this newsletter.  Having developed an interest in the urban environment during his teenage years, he has brought fresh perspectives to T2M, […]

In the Spotlight: Maggie Walsh

A familiar face to anyone who has taken part in past T2M conferences, this newsletter’s Spotlight falls upon Maggie Walsh.  She has been active in the organisation of T2M, serving […]

In the Spotlight … Javier Vidal Olivares

In the spotlight this newsletter is EC member Javier Vidal Olivares. Javier has an impressive pedigree, having worked internationally, including university posts in Italy, London, Argentina and Colombia; he is now […]

In the Spotlight … Catherine Bertho Lavenir

In this Newsletter, the spotlight falls upon Catherine Bertho Lavenir.  Catherine is Professor of Contemporary History at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, and was elected to T2M’s Executive Committee in […]

In the Spotlight … Stéphanie von Erlach

In this Newsletter we find out a bit more about Stéphanie von Erlach, the Chief Executive Officer of the Swiss Railways Heritage Foundation. If you were at the Lucerne conference […]

In the Spotlight … Marie-Noëlle Polino

Marie-Noëlle Polino will be known to some of you personally, from conferences, or as a name, through her role at the French Railway History Society and as editor of many […]

In the Spotlight … Gordon Pirie

Gordon is Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of the Western Cape, in greater Cape Town, South Africa. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal […]

Newsletter Archive

01 2015 | 02 2015 | 03 2015 | 12 2015 01-2014 | 02-2014 | 03-2014 | 04-2014 01-2013 | 02-2013 | 03-2013 01-2012 | 02-2012 | 03-2012| 04-2012 01-2011 | 02-2011 […]

Transport and Mobility in University Programs

Transportation History Transportation Research Board History Committee (USA) University of Birmingham Center for Railway Research and Education Institute of Railway Studies and Transport History (UK) Mobility Studies […]