Welcome letter by the new T2M President Mathieu Flonneau and his team
Post-conference…and post-combustion.
Ready for Take Off!
Dear T²M members, dear sympathizers of the community, and let us hope far beyond!
It seems obvious to us that first of all we should thank everyone for a successful and exemplary conference in Lancaster. The post-conference phase also marked the almost immediate take-off of a new presidential team under the harmonic sign of the concord or, given the fact the new team is French, should we better say the Concorde? Using the symbol of this extraordinary post-combustion aircraft for representing the successful French-English cooperation, we aim to increase T²M’s cruising altitude in the coming years!
Thank you for allowing us to express some words and impressions to introduce our future activities and collective works. Cécile, Etienne and myself, are very happy you trusted us.

Etienne Faugier, Official Secretary / Mathieu Flonneau, President / Cécile Welker, Event planning support
Our statement of candidacy was a tribute to the history of the association and the various actions of its former presidents Gijs Mom, Hans-Liudger Dienel and Mimi Sheller. Adding to this institutional tribute we would like to add a personal tribute to Clay McShane, who regrettably passed away not long ago. Therefore, a solemn tribute is addressed in this
Like the previous presidential teams, we shall try hard to be attentive to the most accomplished and most innovative trends of the research and to the fundamentals of the mobility field strengthened by journals, blogs, workshops and active websites.
It’s a great pleasure to be, from now on, in the driver’s seat of T²M, which of course is coupled with a big pressure! All advice given by any active member, the Executive Committee and the vice-presidencies (on whom we count strongly), will be useful in this collective responsibility.
Best wishes, enjoy the end of year 2017, and all the best for T²M next year!
Mathieu Flonneau,
Etienne Faugier,
Cécile Welker

Present to the new president at the Lancaster conference. It’s all about Mobilities again!