TitanicArchive for Highway and Road History.
Are you interested in transportation history? Then consider following and contributing to a new blog, “Moving History.” Postings cover everything from publications or web resources on transportation history, to relevant conferences, to short original writings about transportation history. The blog is sponsored by members of the History Committee of the Transportation Research Board.
The Moving History blog can be found here.
Caution! Railway Safety Since 1913
Exhibition – How and when did the safety of railway workers become worthy of attention in Britain? What was done to prevent deaths and injuries? And what impact did it have on wider society? This exhibition, hosted by the UK’s National Railway Museum (NRM) and based on research by T2M member Mike Esbester, explores these issues through the NRM’s archival holdings. It features a range of attractive and unusual items, many shown publicly for the first time.
News from the 22th Annual Conference in Leipzig, Germany will come
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