The International Associ1ation for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) invites proposals for papers to be presented at its Sixth International Conference to be held in Ottawa, Canada from September 18th through the 21st, 2008.
Papers may address any aspect of the social, cultural, economic, technological, ecological and political history of transport, traffic and mobility. However, special consideration will be given to proposals related to the conference theme: Mobility and the Environment. The language of the conference is English.
Hosted by the Canada Science and Technology Museum, the 2008 conference coincides with a period of growing concern about the problematic relationship between the human desire and need for greater mobility, and the environmental consequences and challenges of this demand. Historical perspectives on this relationship offer the promise of greater clarity and understanding. To this end, we encourage proposals that explore all aspects of the issue across the full spectrum of modalities, systems, political contexts and environments. In addition, the conference theme is also intended to embrace philosophical, technical and cultural perspectives on the history of overcoming, or adapting to, the challenges of geography and climate. With respect to all of the above, the conference will also provide an opportunity to consider how important insights and ideas arising from historical research on the environment, and on issues of mobility in general, can best be shared with an interested general public.
Notwithstanding T2M’s natural affinity for the historical view, interdisciplinary approaches are greatly encouraged. Relevant proposals from the fields of geography, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, engineering and others are most welcome. The participation of young scholars and doctoral students is especially desirable. T2M also invites professionals working in the areas of mobility or environmental policy and planning to contribute. Participants are encouraged, though not required, to organize and to propose panels on specific issues or ideas. As a rule, a panel should consist of a chair, a commentator and normally up to three speakers. Session proposals will also be considered.
The deadline for abstracts and a one-page CV (English only) is the 1st of March, 2008: maximum of one page for all individual papers or panel presentations, or one page per presentation within a session proposal. Session proposals should also include a one-page overview of the session. Please send proposals to:
Submitters will be notified by the programme committee during the first week of April, 2008 on the success or status of their submission. The full paper of all accepted submissions must be delivered on or before August 1st, 2008. These will be copied onto a conference CD-ROM for distribution in advance to all conference participants. Individual presentations at the conference are therefore to be limited to a fifteen-minute summary to allow for debate and discussion within the session. Registration information and deadlines will be provided during the month of March.
For information about T2M and previous conferences, please visit our website at:
Garth Wilson, Programme Committee Chair, T2M 2008