Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Liz Millward and Mathieu Flonneau (eds.):
Mobility in History. Reviews and Reflections.
The present volume includes articles reviewing scholarship from four countries not represented in previous Yearbooks (Colombia, France, Portugal and Sweden) and a new thematic article (on car sounds). Following a precedent established last year, this volume offers readers a close reflection on a classic study in mobility history, Wolfgang Schivelbusch’s The Railway Journey (1977). Readers can also get an inside look at the state of the art of mobility history from the unique perspective of one of its central figures, Gijs Mom.
Table of contents:
Peter Norton, Preface
I Bleeding and Perceiving: The State of the Art
Gijs Mom, “Historians Bleed Too Much”: Recent Trends in the State of the Art in Mobility History
George Revill, Perception, Reception and Representation: Wolfgang Schivelbusch and the Cultural History of Travel and Transport
II Continents, Countries and Topics
Mathieu Flonneau, The History of Mobility in France: A Recent, but Now Accepted, Turn
Marcus Popplow, Contextualization and Public Impact: Converging or Conflicting Trends in Recent German Mobility History?
Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Which Mobility for (Which) Africa? Beyond Banal Mobilities
Douglas Jerolimov, Maritime Mobilities of North America
Dominick A. Pisano, Recent Aerospace Historiography: A Slow but Steady Revolution
Liz Millward, Examining Nationalism in Canada’s Mobility History
Carlos Dávila and Ana M. Aranda, Mule, Railroad, Plane: A Historiography of Transport in Colombia
Per Lundin, Driven by Morality: Systems and Users in the Historiography of the Car in Sweden
M. Luísa Sousa, History of Transport and Mobility in Portugal: A Non-field
Federico Paolini, Greening Mobility History in Italy: Toward an Interdisciplinary Way to Environmental Mobility Studies?
Stefan Krebs, Toward a Cultural History of Car Sound(s)
2011, 168 pages, ISBN: 978-2-940235-89-6
Free for members of T2M. Single copies can be bought from the publisher Editions Alphil.