Important dates – 2018
Date | Activity |
28 March | Call for papers issued |
Ongoing | Accepting submission of abstracts and sessions |
31 July | Decision on travel grants |
31 July | Last day of Early Bird registration |
1 September | Programme deadline |
1 October | Submission of full papers and posters |
24-27 October | Conference |
Conference schedule
24 October
Wedesday October 24 | Room 1 – Normand Hébert (2.260) | Room 2 (1.162) | |
9h30 – 12h00 | |||
12h00 – 13h00 | Welcome and registration of participants You can eat at your own expense in one of the many restaurants near Concordia University |
13h00 – 13h20 | Conference opening | ||
13h30 – 15h00 | Session 1 | Representation Govind Gopakumar, Chair Judith A. Nicholson Human Zoo Postcards: A Viennese Collection Ben Bradley Seeing the Past in Stages: Stagecoaches, Freight Wagons, and the Nostalgia of Mobility in Western Canada, 1910-1960 Emily Gann What Are Technologies of (dis)Ability?: New Approaches at the Canada Science and Technology Museum |
Infrastructures (in French) Étienne Faugier, Chair Kevin Larrivée Projet de train passager vers Sherbrooke : Faire renaître l’histoire ferroviaire de la Rive-Sud de Montréal et les Cantons-de-l’Est Slimane Merzoug Les projets de transport en commun en Algérie et la crise budgétaire : cas de la ville de Bejaia. Alexander Pachala BIXI de Pointe-aux-Trembles à Senneville : une évaluation d’un vaste réseau de vélo en libre-service sur toute l’île de Montréal Alain Gelly Canalisation du Richelieu ou by-pass entre le Haut-Richelieu et la rive sud de Montréal : plus qu’un enjeu de transport |
15h00 – 15h15 | Break | ||
15h15 – 16h55 | Session 2 | Panel_ Connecting the dots in Latin America at the turn of the 19th century and beyond (doest not always equal hub/network) Victor Marquez, Chair Dr. Michael K. Bess The Politics of Mobility in Mexico City, 1867-1929 Maximiliano Augusto Velazquez & Alejandro Rascovan A History of Failed Opportunities: Local and regional connections in Argentina’s railway network as an alternative for socio-economic development Dr.Victor Marquez Resistance Against Utopia: The underside of Mexico City’s Airport history |
16h55 – 17h00 | Break | ||
17h00 – 18h30 | Session 3 | Cancel |
25 October
Thursday October 25 | Room 1 – Normand-Hébert (2.260) With the exception of the Panel, the lectures are in French. |
Room 2 (1.162) | Room 3 (2.184) Study Day |
8h00 – 9h00 | Welcome and registration of participants | |||
9h00 – 10h30 | Session 4 | Journal of Transportation History Committee Meeting (by invitation) | Airport Hans-Liudger Dienel, Chair Camila Luna Integrating integration. Airline transport, the European Union and the Mercosur Project Matthew Miller Technological Standardization in the Horizontal Skyscraper Airport Maggie Williams Hashtags as hubs: #DeleteUber and the material impacts of hashtivism |
François Bédard Les villes intelligentes, la mobilité durable et le potentiel de développement social Virginie Cousineau Le réseau express métropolitain Alexandre Lacoursière Smart Pixel TV |
10h30 – 10h45 | Break | |||
10h45 – 12h15 | Session 5 | Journal of Transportation History Committee Meeting (by invitation) | Rethinking mobilities I MichaelK. Bess, Chair Patricia Luna Delgado HUIZI: Bike sharing system in Toluca, Mexico Olivia VF Chaudhury Cyberia: Hub of Virtual Capital Mahir Yilmaz Reinventing Hinterland: Who is the Time-Space Compression for? Or Time-Space Expansion |
Marc-Antoine Ducas Co-voiturage multi-modal, villes intelligentes et optimisation de la mobilité Patrick Lachapelle L’urbanisme s’envoie en l’air : la réglementation municipale encadrant les drones |
12h15 – 13h15 | Lunch | |||
13h15 – 14h45 | Session 6 | Hackathon | Rethinking mobilities II Michael K. Bess, Chair Jorgen Burchardt Freight Distribution at Night, 1950-2018 Todoroki Hiroshi Characteristics and continuity of road traffic in Shilla Victor Andrade Travel Behavior and Urban Form: The case of Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area |
Alexandre Plante Transports durables, innovation, urbanisme, changements climatiques, relations avec les gouvernements locaux Éric Vaillancourt Intégration des équipes de planification routière et ferroviaire Éric Bourbeau Comment des nouvelles technologies sans fil rendent les villes du monde plus intelligente? |
14h45 – 15h00 | Break | |||
15h00 – 16h30 | Session 7 | Hackathon | Panel_ Buzzing forever : The Usefull (?) Utopia of Selfdriving Car in Midterm History Etienne Faugier, Chair Etienne Faugier Autonomous Car and Peripheric Spaces : A Rich Motorized Culture to Decomplexifie Matthew Crawford Managing Traffic: Rival Versions of Rationality Mathieu Flonneau What remains of automobiles and car culture? The future of automotive heritage in the era of the digital mobility revolution Benjamin Thierry, commentator |
17h00 – 19h30 | 17h10 Departure from Concordia University to the Casino de Montréal Cocktail at the Casino de Montréal offered by the Casino |
19h30 | Dinner for T2M participants at the Casino de Montréal |
26 October
Friday October 26 | Room 1 – Normand-Hébert (2.260) | Room 2 (1.162) | Room 3 (3.309) | |
8h30 – 9h00 | Welcome and registration of participants | |||
9h00 – 10h30 | Session 8 | Infrastructure I Pierre Barrieau, Chair Jonathan English Derailed: The Postward End of New York City Subway Expansion Elvira Khairullina Understanding the conflicts and priorities: the role of tramways in the USSR and the GDR in the 1950-1960s Hugo Silveira Pereira & Bruno Navarro Portuguese railways: a history of circulation, appropriation and globalization |
Active Mobility I Massimo Moraglio, Chair Sylette Henry-Buckmire Uneven mobilities across disrupted landscapes: On the ground realities for Trinidad and Tobago’s mobility-impaired urban movers Claudio Sarmiento-Casas Street trades and the affordances of unconventional cycling Filipe Marino Cyclist profile and travel behavior in Rio de Janeiro: comparing results from the first and second national surveys (2015 and 2017) |
Perpectives on mobility (to be confirmed) Govind Gopakumar, Chair Aparajita Mukhopadhyay Changing Morphologies? Revisiting Role of Railways in Creating Economic Hubs in Colonial India Saroj Kumar Dhal Constructing Migrant’s Identity: A Sociological Study |
10h30 – 10h45 | Break | |||
10h45 – 12h15 | Session 9 | Panel_ Transport Collections in a Changing Cultural Landscape Sharon Babaian, Chair Jim Cullen Beyond Counting Rivets: Assessing the Significance of Large Transport Objects Sharon Babaian Making Room for Mobility Fiona Smith Hale Navigating Open Waters: Online Access to Cultural Information |
12h15 – 13h15 | Lunch | |||
13h15 – 14h45 | Session 10 | Historic perspective on mobility I Mathieu Flonneau, Chair J. Lucien D. Houle Provençal Merchants in Medieval Acre: A Study on the Mobility of Networks Pierre Barrieau First Nation and European settlement patterns in New France Harleen Kaur Roads to Motorization: Governance, Transit and City Life in Colonial Delhi, 1880-1930 |
Active Mobility II Victor Marquez, Chair Filipe Marino & Maria Alice de Faria Nogueira the active mobility as a marketing strategy in Brazil Bartek Komorowski Winter cycling Arthur De Waal Re-interpreting motility constructs within a Mobility as a Service framing, the case of eudaemonic an hedonic well-being |
Mobilités (français) Étienne Faugier, Modérateur Moussa Zouaoui La place des différentes cultures à l’ère de la mobilité Meryem Bouras L’histoire de l’évolution de l’accessibilité du transport collectif dans l’espace métropolitain à Montréal Emile Forest Paysages en mouvement : capter les expériences et les significations de la mobilité contemporaine |
14h45 – 15h00 | Break | |||
15h00 – 16h30 | Session 11 | Historic perspective on mobility II Mathieu Flonneau, Chair Owen D. Gutfreund More Than a Freeway Revolt: The Forgotten Parking Revolt in New York City Claire Pelgrims Fetishizing Brussels roadscape |
Infrastructure II Jørgen Burchardt, Chair Cornelis van Tilburg The change of hubs in the Early Medieval Lower Rhine Region Angélica-Elizabeth Reyna-Bernal Hubs Cities and Internal Migration in Mexico George Carhart The Rise and Demise of Portland, Maine’s Rail-Sea Transportation Hub |
Histoire des transports (français) Étienne Faugier, Modérateur Alice Milor Représenter l’automobile à Bruxelles : les mutations d’un hub de l’Europe depuis les années 1980 Anne Conchon Pôles urbains et noeuds de transport. La structuration des réseaux de circulation dans la France napoléonienne Louis Baldasseroni Mesurer les mobilités pour créer des infrastructures de hubs. Réflexions sur l’aménagement de carrefours à Lyon, années 1930 – années 1970 |
16h30 – 16h40 | Break | |||
16h40 – 17h50 | Session 12 | Keynote Speaker David Hanna |
27 October
Saturday October 27 | Room 1 – Normand-Hébert (2.260) | Room 2 (1.162) | Conference Room 1 (2.301) | |
8h30 – 9h00 | ||||
9h00 – 10h30 | Session 13 | South Mobilities Govind Gopakumar, Chair Govind Gopakumar Automotive citizenship: constituting the occupation of streets by automobiles in urban India Yogi Joseph Pedestrians and cyclists as nuisance James Longhurst Tokyo to Seattle by Bike: The Mitsubishi Trading Company, Protective Tariffs, and the Failure to Import Adult Bicycles in the 1930s |
Mobilités (français) À confirmer, Modérateur Moussa Zouaoui La place des différentes cultures à l’ère de la mobilité Meryem Bouras L’histoire de l’évolution de l’accessibilité du transport collectif dans l’espace métropolitain à Montréal |
T2M Executive Committee meeting (by invitation) |
10h30 – 10h45 | Break | |||
10h45 – 12h15 | Session 14 | Panel_ Urban Mobilities and Public Transit in the Global South Dr. Madhav Badami Dr. Murtaza Haidar Dr. Craig Townsend Dr. Sarwat Viqar Dr. Govind Gopakumar |
T2M Executive Committee meeting (by invitation) | |
12h15 – 13h15 | Lunch | |||
13h15 – 14h45 | Session 15 | Panel_ What After? The future of Mobility Dr. Massimo Moraglio, Chair Prof. Dr. Massimo Moraglio Rethinking the Mobility Turn. Bridging disciplines and seeking tradeoffs Pierre Barrieau Mathieu Flonneau |
14h45 – 15h15 | Conference closing | |||
15h15 – 16h15 | T2M members annual meeting |