
President’s Page

Volume IV, Number 4, August 2007 Annual General Members meeting A year ago we (the General Members Meeting upon a proposal by the Executive Committee) decided to expand the functions […]

President’s Page

Volume IV, Number 3, June 2007 T2M Founded It is not a coincidence that our fth jubilee conference will take place about 15 km from where T2M was founded in […]

President’s Page

Volume IV, number 2, May 2007 T2M 2007 At the end of last month, just before Dutch Queen’s Day (when the country’s latent monarchism invaded the squares, pubs and city […]

President’s Page

Volume IV, number 1, February 2007 T2M 2007 By the time you read this you must have started to consider seriously submitting a paper or session proposal for the next […]

Paris Conference

Volume III, number 3, November 2006 No doubt many of you will look back with satisfaction on our Paris conference: Mathieu Flonneau, Vincent Guigueno and their team did a marvellous […]

Guest Editorial

Volume III – No. 2 (Special conference edition) Gijs Mom, president of the T2M Association writes: This special conference edition of our Newsletter is totally dedicated to your role, as […]

Message from the Chair

Volume III – No. 2 – June 2006 When, back in November 2003, we started our T2M adventure, a clear goal was formulated: we wished to create a solid, international […]

Message from the President

Volume II – No. 3 – February 2006 At the end of last year, the Call for Papers for our fourth conference was sent to all relevant locations on the […]

Message from the President

Volume II – No. 2 – September 2005 Our third international conference is nearing fast and the programme York’s local organizer Colin Divall and his team have put together with […]

Message from the President

Volume II – No. 1 – May 2005 On April 25th, more than a dozen Executive Committee members (including three from the US) attended our second Mid-Year Meeting in Paris, […]

2003 Eindhoven – No General Topic

First Annual International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility Eindhoven (NL), 6-9 November 2003 Call for Papers | Program | Conference Report

2005 York – Tourism

Third Annual International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility York, England, 6–9 October 2005 Call for Papers | Program | Conference Report

2007 Helmond – Heritage and Design

Fifth International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic & Mobility Helmond, The Netherlands, 25 – 28 October 2007 Call for Papers | Program | Conference Report

2009 Lucerne – Energy and Innovation

Seventh International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) Lucerne, Switzerland, November 5–8, 2009 Program | Conference Program | Call for Papers

Links in Transport, Traffic, and Mobility

Archive for Highway and Road History. Are you interested in transportation history? Then consider following and contributing to a new blog, “Moving History.” Postings cover everything from publications or web […]

New Initiatives in the Field

Vol. V, No 3 (August 2008) While most of us were away on holidays two teams on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean have been busy finalizing the preparations for […]