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“Our petticoats up above our knees”: Pedestrian Adventures in 19th-century Diaries

Please join us for our next Institute of Historical Research Transport & Mobility History seminar:   Thursday 10 November, 5.30pm, GMT Zoom "Our petticoats up above our knees": Pedestrian Adventures in 19th-century Diaries Trish Bredar (Northwestern University) While studies of nineteenth-century mobility often center on new technologies and infrastructural developments, this paper seeks to expand […]

Webinar: Automotive futures

31 March 2023, 2-4pm (Paris time) Online (on Zoom) Session co-organised by the French Association Passé Présent Mobilité and the Vendredis Mobilité. It will be organised around a presentation of the book Post-Automobility Futures: Technology, Power, and Imaginaries by the authors, followed by a discussion with Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler based on her work on the autonomous […]

Relieving Broadway: The politics of traffic in 19th-century New York city

Thursday 27 April, 5.30pm, Online David Schley (Hong Kong Baptist University/ University of East Anglia) Relieving Broadway: The politics of traffic in 19th-century New York city Historians usually date the origins of traffic control in the U.S. to the early twentieth century, but in nineteenth-century Manhattan, managing movement through the city streets was a major […]
