Cultural tours
Friday 18th October, 3 pm – 6 pm
This year, the LOC manages to offers you four places to visit in relation with the theme of the conference. Space is limited, and registration will be taken in order received. You can visit only one among the four proposed places : you can indicate your preferences during registration. To register, click on the following link to complete the survey : Registration.

Air and Space Museum, Paris – Le Bourget Airport
This museum is located on the site of Paris – Le Bourget airport, which hosts one of the largest aeronautical exhibitions. It houses an exceptional collection of aircraft and objects related to the conquest of space.

Jérôme Seydoux – Pathé Foundation, Paris
” Le cinéma d’expédition, des origines à l’aventure de la Croisière Jaune”, temporary exhibition (from 22 July to 30 November)
This exhibition retraces the yellow cruise, which took place from April 4, 1931 to February 12, 1932. Also known as the “Centre-Asia mission”, it is one of the car raids organized by André Citroën, and linking Beirut to Beijing.

Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris
The ” Musée des Arts et Métiers” is the french’s oldest museum of science and technology. It houses the collection of “Le Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers”, which was founded in 1794 as a repository for the preservation of scientific instruments and inventions. Among its collection is an original version of the Foucault pendulum and the original model of Statue of Liberty.

Plastic Omnium Head Office and Museum, Levallois – Perret
Plastic Omnium is a french industrial group founded in 1946 by Pierre Burelle. It’s a world’s leading supplier of vehicle components to automotive industry, especially about Intelligent Exterior Systems (dealing with body parts and modules for car manufacturers, made of plastic or composite such as bumpers, fenders ), and Clean Energy Systems (designs, develops and manufactures fuel and pollution control systems).