The conference is now history:
T2M Conference – Madrid, 2012
The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) announces the call for papers to be presented at its tenth annual conference, which will take place at the Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid (Madrid Railway Museum) on 15-18 November 2012.

Download the poster:
pdf 1 MB
Participants at the T2M conference in Madrid 2012:

RENFE travel discounts for the T2M Conference:
Discount of 30% in all trains with destination Madrid, from any Spanish station, within the period 13th to 20th November 2012.
This offer is directed to every attendee and accompanying person. Attendees interested must send an electronic mail to requesting the purchase form
Programme Committee
Andrea Giuntini, University of Modena
Darina Martykanova, University of Potsdam
Massimo Moraglio, Berlin University of Technology
Francisco Polo Muriel, Madrid Railway Museum
Javier Vidal Olivares, University of Alicante
Advisory Committee
Hans-Liudger Dienel, T2M President, Berlin University of Technology
Ralf Roth, University of Frankfurt
Charissa Terranova, University of Texas
José Luis García Ruiz, Complutense University, Madrid
Ramón Molina de Dios, University of the Balaeric Islands
Alberte Martínez López, University of A Coruña
Víctor Márquez, Cornell University
Jesús Miras Araujo, University of A Coruña
Local Organising Committee
Miguel Muñoz Rubio, Madrid Railway Museum (President)
Alfredo Aza Alcalde, Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA)
Alberto García Álvarez, Renfe
Elisa Barahona Nieto, Madrid City Council
Carlos Cristóbal-Pinto, Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid
Domingo Cuéllar Villar, Madrid Railway Museum
Eva Miquel, Spanish State Ports
José Luis Molinero Calvo, Municipal Transport Company of Madrid (EMT)
Javier Otamendi, Metro de Madrid
Francisco Polo Muriel, Madrid Railway Museum
Lourdes Orozco Torres, Madrid Railway Museum
Javier Vidal Olivares, University of Alicante