Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History, York, UK Research Workshops 2007-08
Autumn Term
14.00 Wednesday 31st October 2007 – LOOKING AFTER THE PASSENGERS
Jo Stanley (Lancaster University)
Maid, warder, hostess and co-adventuring consumer: the main types of
emotional relationships between stewardesses and their female passengers on
sea voyages
Drew Whitlegg (Emory University, USA)
From destination to post-destination in the lives of airline cabin crew
14.00 Wednesday 28th November 2007 – RAILWAY IMPERIALISM AND ITS AFTERMATH
Stuart Sweeney (University of Oxford)
Military railways in India 1875-1914: off balance sheet globalization
Robert Howes (King’s College, London)
Brazilian railways: government ownership in historical perspective
Initial details for the Spring and Summer terms are:
14.00 Wednesday 20th February 2008 – EARLY MOTORING CULTURES IN BRITAIN
Craig Horner (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Title TBA
Bill Luckin (University of Bolton)
Title TBA
14.00 Wednesday 12th March 2008 – ASPECTS OF INTER-WAR RAILWAYS IN BRITAIN
Gerald Crompton (University of Kent at Canterbury)
Title TBA
Roy Edwards (University of Southampton)
Title TBA
14.00 Wednesday 7th May 2008 – THE ECONOMICS AND REGULATION OF
Tim Leunig (LSE)
When did transport improvements first raise city productivity?
Mark Casson (University of Reading)
The regulation of the Victorian railway system
14.00 Wednesday 14th May 2008 – RAILWAYS AND THE EAST RIDING
Christopher Ridgeway (Castle Howard)
Title TBA
Keith Nolan (IRS&TH)
Title TBA
All welcome. Light refreshments will be served.
Please note: All workshops in the autumn term are held in the Yorkshire Rail
Academy at the National Railway Museum, York, UK. The YRA is reached from
within The Warehouse at the NRM, off the Great Hall, or through the
Academy’s own entrance off Leeman Road. The YRA is not open to the general
public – you will need to use the entryphone to get into the YRA. Please do
not enter the YRA more than 10 minutes before the advertised starting time.
Ask at the Museum’s welcome desks or any information point if you need help.
Please note that the workshops in the spring and summer terms should be held
in the NRM’s new Search Engine facility. Confirmation will be given nearer
the time.
The National Railway Museum is about 3 minutes’ walk from York railway
station via the footbridge. Please use either public entrance to the NRM and
tell the staff at the desk that you are attending the IRS&TH workshops.
Cycle parking is available at the City Entrance. Motorists please note that
NRM parking charges apply (except for registered-disabled parking, available
at the City Entrance).
See also