Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Liz Millward, Tomás Errázuriz and Mathieu Flonneau (eds.):
Mobility in History Vol. 5.
2013, 198 p. ISBN 978-1-78238-36-8 |
Peter Norton & Gijs Mom: Mobility Studies at a Crossroads
Special Section: Bicycling, Mobility, and History
Anne-Katrin Ebert & Manuel Stoffers: New Directions in Cycling Research: A Report on the Cycling History Roundtable at T2M Madrid
Harry Oosterhuis: Bicycle Research between Bicycle Policies and Bicycle Culture
Esther Anaya & Santiago Gorostiza: The Historiography of Cycling Mobility in Spain in the Twentieth Century
Francis Papon: Historiographical Needs in the Study of Bicycling Mobility in France
Christiane Katz & Gijs Mom: Why Not Now? The Electric Vehicle As a Vehicle of Tomorrow
Andrey Vozyanov: Approaches to Waiting in Mobility Studies: Utilization, Conceptualization, Historicizing
John K. Walton: Tourism History: People in Motion and at Rest
Countries: Latin America
Andra B. Chastain: Moving the Masses: Toward a History of Public Transport in Postwar Latin America
Eduardo Oliveira: New Studies in the History of Railway Transportation in São Paulo
Elena Salerno: The Historiography of Railways in Argentina: Between Foreign Investment, Nationalism, and Liberalism
Michael K. Bess: Pathways of the Golden Eagle: Themes of Mobility and Transport in Recent Scholarship of Mexico
Countries: North America
Kyle Shelton: Power, Governance, and Contested Mobilities: New Turns in United States Historiography
Bret Edwards: Taking Off: Thinking Historically about Air Travel and Mobility in Late Twentieth-Century Canada
Countries: Africa
Joshua Grace: Saharan Garages, Paper Economies, and Migrant Laborers: New Perspectives on Mobility in African History
Har Ye Kan: From Transport to Mobility in Modern China: A Survey of the Field
Countries: Asia
Kate McDonald: Intermodality and Beyond: For a New History of Mobility in Japan
Stéphanie Ponsavady: Retracing Mobilities on Land in French Colonial Indochina and Beyond: Cars, Trains, Rickshaws, and Motorbikes
Countries: Europe
Alberte Martínez & Jesús Mirás: The Path Is Made by Walking: Spaces of Light and Shadow in the History of Transport and Mobility in Spain
Massimo Moraglio: A Field on the Move: Updating Italian Mobility Studies
Christopher Kopper: Mass Tourism behind the Iron Curtain: New Publications on the History of Transport, Traffic, Tourism, and Mobility in German