Vol.5, No 1
When Gijs, more than four years ago, accepted
the presidency of our association, no one could
predict that within five years we would have built a
blossoming community that meanwhile organized five
successful conferences, brought new life to the Journal
of Transport History, initiated several scholarly
Theme Groups and is now considering whether to
organise a summer school and publish a yearbook.
We are also struggling with the question of whether
the field needs more than one journal, because the
number of good submissions is steadily growing.
As a matter of fact, some of our fellow T2M pioneers
were quite skeptical about the feasibility of such a
project. Perhaps more as a reaction than as a conscious
strategy Gijs stated then that if within a couple
of years T2M did not have 300 members it would not
have been worth the effort. He was wrong in a double
sense: we have not reached this size yet, but nevertheless
the association seems to have stabilized and
much-needed energy can slowly be liberated to invest
in the further rethinking and reformulating of the field
of transport and mobility history.
This is not the first time that we usher as our opinion
that we are at a critical junction of our young history:
we have not yet reached the critical mass to really put
our mark on academic and related institutional practices,
and we badly need some introspection to ask
ourselves where we should be going. During the next
mid-year meeting of the Executive Committee we will
dedicate a major part of our time to this issue and
hopefully can report positively during our next meeting
in Ottawa.
Gijs is much relieved to know that meanwhile our new
president-elect Hans Dienel supports him in preparing
this meeting and starts to be involved in the daily
running of the T2M bus (or should we say: train?).
After Gijs’ visit to Berlin a fortnight ago (where the
restyled German Traffic and Technology Museum just
opened a new exhibit on future oil-free mobility) we
agreed that for the remainder of this year we would
co-sign the president’s message (which from now on
will thus become a presidents’ message) as an exercise i
in cooperation and the gradual handing over of
presidential responsibilities. Upon explicit request of
Hans by September of this year the presidency will be
expanded with some vice-prsidents, each with their
own portfolio to share the burden of management.
Gijs is very much looking forward to this change of
the guard, because after five years of mainly administrative
work he is really enjoying the prospect of
dedicating his time to more content-related issues.
Building a field is as much about institutional practice
as it is about the generation of knowledge and new
skills. We are convinced that a lot of members are of
the same opinion, and hope that they decide to come
forward during the current year to take on one or more
duties within the Executive Committee or in one of the
several Theme Groups.
Gijs Mom, President, Hans-Liudger Dienel, President-